Since 1991 ScenarioUK specialises in the provision of products to the UK TV & Film industry. Delivering national broadcast exposure, integrated within editorial our agency today remains the most established and respected in the industry. All exposure is monitored, compiled & independently audited providing clear ROI.
An approach to supply products to the National Television Awards in 2008 activated an opportunity that screen placement alone cannot – delivering brand experience directly to target audience. Driving trial, brand education & category association to key audiences, celebrities, talent and industry experts in ‘situ’ ScenarioUK are proudly connected with all headline event producers across film, music, architecture & design, fashion, food, business, travel, well-being and sport.
All event placements are amplified through guaranteed media package including official Social media thanks from event producer, venue and acts, logo support, Digital Out-Of-Home, Press, newsletters, verbal thanks & tickets for clients to attend and enjoy all the action.
Since 1991 our reputation has and always will be key to us.
What we say we deliver
We’ d love to place your brand in all the right Scenarios
Matthew Leggett
Managing Partner